Friday, 28 December 2012


“The bent grass drew its polygraph answer in the soft sand, and it told the Truth”

I took to the fynbos today, to a place next to an entire web of old trees hugging the dunes. There is a spot where I sit and smoke sacred tobacco, or a pipe of good rum and cherry. I went this evening to give thanks.Gratitude is full in me for Gaia's gifts.

The 13th full moon, last of a significant year. I simply sat, after giving thanks to the four quarters with tobacco whispering into the wind. A piece of grass was bent in such a way that drew a jagged polygraph line... I looked around and saw TRUTH wherever my eyes rested. Each tree, each blade of grass each ant is living ITS exact purpose. Its uniqueness playing out before me.

That I would drop into that simplicity and know what mine is...

Packing Boxes

"I am fast becoming an advocate of “Do what you do with Joy”. This does not matter if you operate from a belief system or not. If you are enjoying doing what you do, things happen. It does not really matter where you are coming from belief system wise, if you believe something,spoken it with focused clarity,visualized it vividly and action whatever is in front of you, add JOY to the mix,it will happen – it will. There is some sense of accurate to this."

There are two things that have struck me lately – that if you have set a strong thought process, spoke it with clarity,visualized it (especially that)  SOMETHING happens. And all you have to do is do what is in front of you even if its something you do not necessarily enjoy. The something that you are doing that you do not experience joy of – can be altered by simply being in that moment and not having any emotional attachment to it. I have experienced this. 

Just before I moved to what I think I might call SeerSouls Sanctuary, I sat in my Labyrinth and set a strong thought process in motion, I wanted a home that had the sea AND mountains, wild all round me... Yes I did ask other Beings to be present to assist. But I reckon it was ME who actually called it in; that set all in motion. Speaking from a space of clarity with added vision is the key I think. After the strong thought, I then just packed boxes. No other thought in mind, just packing boxes, doing what was in front of me to action. Four days before I needed to leave my previous home, all that I visioned and worded was found. I now call this state of mind "Packing Boxes".

I am working to keep this way of being flaming. I have set strong thoughts in motion again, and am doing what is in front of me. And ensuring that I feed my soul with what I know lifts me, makes me want to grow wings and fly...  I feel in my gut that what I have in mind will pop up soon by me being aware of the periphery of wonderful clues that will soon come tickling my senses.

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Puzzle Fallen

“Beads of sweat on my face, sun blazing, I felt hot tears begin to issue forth to cool my soul”

I have felt disjointed since I came home from my beautiful time with my daughters on Christmas day. I am a lovingly crafted puzzle that has fallen to the floor, scattered, some of the picture still together, the rest of me of me scattered on the floor. I felt the heat of tears arise, they flowed, as they flow as I write. Thomas Moore said “It is only through mystery and madness that the soul is revealed” I am seeing this so well. 

I could feel the crunch of the sand beneath my feet, sweat pooling, tears pouring all to cool my soul. And I still feel a madness in my bones, and I think that more of Thomas Moores’ words apply to my way of being in this world.

“And the heart that is soonest awake to the flowers
Is always the first to be touched by the thorns.”
― Thomas Moore

Monday, 24 December 2012

Gaia Heals

“The land softened, I softened, looking across the vlei to the shore of my big love, ocean. I felt a lifting that was carried by the reeds. I am healing. And its Gaia and I that do this for this mortal form”

Last year I could not walk at Christmas. I was in pain, physically... A hysterectomy is not for the faint hearted. It was such a time of loving from my daughters and a Beloved, as I listened to land that told me not to rush anymore. I put my ears to that heart call. 

This year I thought that I would not walk into the new era, I was in pain, emotionally. Through an amazing move by the Bigger Picture Maker, I was flung from a home I loved, from a Beloved I still love. But to placed as gently as a fledgling, a sapling...into a new place, that I now want to fling myself into, wild, beach, mountains, trees, ancient bush. To be placed so gently, to be healed. I weep – out of Gratitude.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Of Light and Dark

“I have felt like the twilight, accessing the night of my inner darkness and 3D manner of being and also tapping into the shining sun of my soul”

I am not so evolved as I would like to be, yesterday many people felt divine and connected... I on the other hand veered between the two. Doing things in the external that stressed me and also speaking from an angry place in one word in response to someone’s request that was coming from a love space. I feel crap about this. It has coloured me in a shade that I do not like.

A few days ago I was privileged to do a Brandon Bays Journey with a practitioner... the Master that came to me was Kuan Yin. A Master,  that has been with me for many years. Quietly present. She said that I carried the same vibration as her that being that of Mercy and Compassion. The lesson here is for me to have the same for myself – to also not beat myself up when I step into something that is less than what I want to be. 
To love myself enough also not to go there, and when I do to forgive myself and see the core of who I am.

These are extraordinary times where I see that much upheaval is happening within the hearts of many and also this manifesting into our lives as the oddest things. Hold steady all, hold firm and remember your core is love and act from that space. And please love yourself, please this is where it starts. You are sufficient unto yourself.

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Seasonless Woman

“I Am a Seasonless Woman”

The wind blustered around me, and I squinted ahead in the lowering sun. Fields of grass bowed and swayed to the music they hear in the wind. I could feel the crackle of dry sand, the rustle of the bushes that joined in the dancing that the whole world was doing. Hindsight says I should have whirled and bowed as well!

I began thinking of all the people in the world who consistently complain about what the weather is like today. I have always thought this an empty practice, might as well complain that your heart is beating. 

Every season is divine to me, and everything that happens around me is relished in full. I love winter in its wetness, the softness that blankets with the rain. Stormy wild weather is my best. I have been known to head into this to watch the wild ocean tossing in joy of being swung about so.

Hot days that leave a particular sweat trail on my forehead and between my breasts. The smell of a hot body has it own particular eroticism. How about the misty mornings that are a secret place? I stood a few mornings ago watching a bank of mist approach the little town in the distance and felt the mystery. I was seized with such a feeling of knowing that I had witnessed this some other lifetime with equal glee. 

I love this planet that turns, and I love that I can dance like a child, weep as a mother and sometimes I have a particular wisdom in my Ocean Eyes that see. Virgin, Mother and Crone all there in a breath... Truly I can claim that I Am a Seasonless Woman.

So think of this next time you sigh at the washing threatening to fly off into the neighbors garden, or scowl at the snow packed round your car. Just claim the wisdom of the seasons... now that said, this would be an entire blog post on its own.