Friday, 22 February 2013

Summers Sighs

Summer sighed her lovers warm breath, Autumns cool hands stroked the land softly

A mist surrounded me, muffled steps, softness of morning. Jewels hang on the tall grass. I come to my God Bend, and cannot see the ocean as the soft blanket of mist moves. I feel the shift, Summer is leaving. And why I have tears at her warm breath going is something that I need to see deeper. Perhaps it’s the carefree nature of the rambunctious summer, yet she is also a full woman with her fruits being harvested. Grapes, dripping plums, nectarines bursting, passion fruit juice tantalising, melons bounty, apricots tart… and all this will become Winter, jams spread,  sugared preserves, chunks of summer when the land lies dark, wine at the fireside reminding us that All can be remembered and savoured if we know how to keep it.

I love this… the seasons turning. No abruptness to it and gradual entering of change, really the way we should approach life. The softness that I recognise entering coolly, and the blessed rains that come to feed the land soon. But it’s not done yet, this warm lover will still linger. My senses have just felt that imperceptible shift that if you really tune in – knows. 

Sunday, 10 February 2013

All that I have sought

All that I have sought I have not found,
All that came to me was sought

I have been in deep contemplation this week of the concept I AM. I have read books, listened and applied this. The words I Am are powerful. Using them with FEELING brings to you all manner of wishes fulfilled.

I get this…

But, I want to know, really know, what this means. What these two words mean within, declaring them is not enough for me. I want to know Mother/Father God. Gnosis. A real experience.

To quote from a website “The word Gnosis is derived from the Greek language, and means "knowledge of an intuitive comprehension of spiritual truths". Gnosis is a knowledge that cannot be arrived at through books or lectures, but rather through one’s own direct experience of reality. Gnosis is often referred to as knowledge of the heart, in contrast to knowledge that is obtained through the use of the intellect. Gnosis is not just theoretical, but one hundred percent practical. Through direct experience we surpass the boundaries of belief and disbelief, since both lead to ignorance. Through Gnosis one personally learns to experience reality directly, rather than believing or disbelieving, accepting or rejecting, and comes to know the inner truth."

When I get to moments like this, I move. There is a bend on my walk, where I know of the Great Spirit, a power spot…there before me lies this: ocean, bend of beach, wetlands, mountains, bay, clouds, birds – all of pure creation, not of mankind. Without thought, it is there. Being. 

I see that I am seeking all the time… and it strikes me softly and slowly…

The Ravens in the Trees this morning
The Honey bird in the aloe two days ago
The Trees that wrap me
The Bee on my hand on the beach this morning

Each of them had a significant meaning. A message for me alone that when I really opened myself,  poured straight into my heart. Teaching me. Speaking to me.

I am just going to watch and wait now. All that I have sought I have not found, All that came to me was sought. 

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The world said JOY

The world said JOY in its wind whisper

I watched the world in front of my desk this afternoon, lay on my bed and heard the world outside whisper JOY. Yes this is me personifying something that just is. But how else can it be? The grass, the little pink flowers hidden, the whirling dune dust ARE, they are perfectly what they ARE. How can anything not be in Joy if they are not in their flow of being.

This is what we are, in our bones. We came to live this, but the illusion of everyone else moving in the trance of “you are not allowed to want and be happy.” And we ate that with sugar, and grew blind, to want something beautiful for yourself is apparently so wrong.

Have you watched your language ever of how much woe, pain and agony you speak? I have, oh yes I have. I was handed a book over the weekend that has me turning my life upside down and into BEING what it should be…

The BOOK: Lynn Grabhorn – Excuse me, your LIFE is waiting.

Oh my word… you are in charge honey, go get what you WANT by FEELING it into existence. The information in this book distils the “Abraham” teachings better than any other.

I am living the life of my dreams, I AM.