Friday, 26 April 2013

This breath my last, this heartbeat my last – of this very moment

This breath my last, this heartbeat my last – of this very moment 

We are always saying goodbye are we not? Each breath we take will never be taken again, each heartbeat the last, for that moment. Each tick of the day never to be revisited in this awareness. Either this will send us into a panic or it will allow to you to softly drop into gratitude for every breath taken and every footstep walked. Kind of creates a new awareness does it not?

I will do this for a little while I know, be so aware as I am today. I will look at the sky and know that I will never see it the same… this awareness began forming last night, as I sat in a Powerspot in the fynbos, the dune sand softly beneath me. The silhouette of the grasses, milkwoods silent partners, in the moon watch. I dropped into a deep meditation. My ancestors a long line, farmers, millers, military men, chefs, herbalists, healers… everything that they were/are beats in my blood.

And they too silently stood and watched Earth brush Moon with her shadows breath. Breathing their last moments there, then, at a different sky. 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

I am in my Wolf skin to run and be…

I am in my Wolf skin to run and be…

It struck me this morning that even though the sun was shining on my back, the beauty of the world presenting itself as it always does, that I am at war.

“Where does this come from?” I asked. Feelings of despair, sadness, grumpiness, I felt like I had fangs. I could have just dropped into Wolf shape and run howling and growling. This thought stopped me. Well why not? How about looking at this really closely by climbing inside its skin? How about just dropping the resistance?

Do you like me spend so much time resisting discomfort, trying to pursue the “happy” place? How about me trying radical acceptance? I decided there and then to learn to stop my resistance, I don’t resist feeling happy do I? So should I not give the times that I am feeling not so marvelous an equal chance for me to learn something about myself?

So today, don’t resist. Just Be, run and howl without damaging too much property and leave others out of it. It’s your own personal war…

Be daring and say “I am feeling like crap today” instead of “I am fine” Be radically honest with yourself to see where this comes from. And move on…

Monday, 22 April 2013

Every blade of grass jewel encrusted…

Every blade of grass jewel encrusted…

I imagine this amazing Being coming in the night, softly vast over the ocean. An ephemeral creature arising briefly, but magnificent. Slow moving, she glides with a cloak of glittering gem stones, that even the stars seem dull. There, she flows over the land, to leave strands of her cloak. And I awaken to walk the wonder. Every blade of grass, leaf, spider web gleaming. I imagine that I am breathing in the last of her gifts.

I wish to see her, to sit on the beach and watch her role in. To lie in the sand and be covered with her blessings. Feel the cool benediction wet my face, soak me with the breath of the sky…

Watch the evening my friends, slip into the night, you too may see this, if you slide the cloak of unseeing off your eyes…

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Times sands sometimes fall crooked

Times sands sometimes fall crooked

I walked the beach this morning, and was in a different place. In deep introspection it was as if I was in a foreign place. Everything new and not.

I sat down, pondering at the oddness within. Listen, listen… you are in different place. Look deep inside. Your inner - scape has changed, so all you see will have a new shape.

I watched long, dusted, and went to the wreck on the beach. There, but not, and if I closed my eyes a bit I could see through sands of time. Times sands falling crooked, me at the prow of a roaring ship plunging through the sand. I looked at the clouds up high, each carrying a whispering message of a sunny day, the ocean sentient – continued to crash and speak to the shore. Me silent by now, aware of space above and silence inside.

Each day you awaken you will find yourself in a new place. Each day is now and new. And your memories and wishes will seem strange to you sometimes. Out of body - but there. Times – they are shifting – deep… deep.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Half Moon Bowl, Pouring Out the Blue Sky

Half moon bowl pouring the blue sky out, look up, look up to see this magick.

Dearest Ones! Every day we can take to heart be amazed or wander blindly through all our tasks. I was hanging the washing this morning when I looked up to seek the moon. This is kind of a habit for many, many years. And there She Is. Pouring the blue sky out of her bowl tilted just right for that time of the day. I think I danced a little jig.

Is your life a prayer of constant awareness? Do you breath thanks to the sparrow eating crumbs in the centre of the city? Wonder at the clouds shape that wisps past? Oh pause a while in your hurry and pay homage to all the magick of life around you today.

Mary Oliver speaks soul poetry, she puts this so eloquently.


It doesn't have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention, then patch

a few words together and don't try
to make them elaborate, this isn't
a contest but the doorway

into thanks, and a silence in which
another voice may speak.

~ Mary Oliver ~

Oh Pause, pause to See....