Transition – to change, a
conversion, shift, move over
Cusp – an apex, peak, end
To be
within the cusp of a transition is all of this, and more. To find the strangeness
within your body, an unnamed unfamiliar feeling that cannot be placed. I am
sure that we all have been in this space, but do we pay attention to the
feelings that move when such a time is immediately apparent?
I find
myself in the centre of this whirlwind, a still point with the dust of events
that led to this point whirling around me. I close my eyes and can touch the
edges standing in this strange country side. I know that I am in between, its
dusk, dawn and all the in betweens that I can think of…
Shores edge
Wing tip
Skin on
Naked heart
I am aware
that this is indeed a sacred place. To know this place consciously is to also
know that it needs to properly honoured, and the best way to accept this change
is to celebrate it. If you are leaving a job, healing from a relationship
ending, or new home… get out the flowers and offer them unto yourself. Have some
Champagne, dance, sit quietly but mark this time, put an X next to it on your
My manner
is of course to walk the beach and offer a thing plucked from the whirlwinds
centre and let it float into the ocean.
Thanks be
unto cusps, transitions and wing tips….