Still, heart
still, I heard the stereo of the ocean… Velvet sea weed, taught skin, firm flesh, like a lover
Muscles crunch
in a tinkle music beneath my feet. Paused to catch the footfall of self. Squinted
into the distance, lowering sun obscuring sight, only leaving my hearing to
catch where I walked. I closed my eyes, and feelingly moved forward, aware to
the right of me ocean, the left, the softness of bird calls, beneath me my own
tentative footfalls. Afraid to move further, but still wanting to keep these
other senses evoked, I sank to the sand. Feeling my way for a soft place,
brushing sharp muscles away…
The smell of
the ocean, the oceans debris washed up on this real beach, seaweed with a
slight breath of sulphur. All slowly decaying as I will one day. Gulls, overhead,
and a flock of somethings, soft Manywings over head. I could almost feel the
breeze they create as they beat soft though a dimension I cannot move in.
My hands
moving through the texture of the dry beach to wetness just beneath the
surface. The texture different, from soft falls to compacted. The stuff that
the beachplant beings drink. Velvet sea weed, taught skin, firm flesh, like a
lover. I lay back unheeded, not caring if I was in a pathway or not, and heard
the stereo ocean of one shore crashing and another follow. On a perfect bend to
disappear into the rhythm. I could feel my body wanting to move as a sea plant
and float gently… into another state of being.
Awesome space...that other state of being