I wonder if
gender will ever be simply not seen. I read a post recently that had me walking
down memory lane.
I was sun
loving tyke with tousled hair, as a child I wondered at the world, loved it
just as I do now. My mom had a gem stone licence so we often would head out to
outcrops of amethysts, tourmalines and other treasures. I recall a time when we
all climbed (my two brothers and sister) into the back of my dad’s Ford truck,
with its modified canopy so that we could travel far into the desert to just
look. And look we did. I wandered off with my keen eyes and spotted a treasure…
but stood dead still knowing that this treasure was not something that others
would take too kindly to. A little horned viper, magnificent, the same colour
as stone going about its way. I stood dead still, and the Divine Being
slithered over my feet, no less bothered than I was. We were simply two
sentient beings crossing one another’s paths, with a great respect and awe from
me I might add.
I lived out
my life as Tassy, the curly haired child that saw ghosts, auras and knew
peoples intentions before they opened their mouth. I had no sense of gender.
Knew I was labelled as girl – hated dresses, loved cars, played cowboys and
crooks. I even had a hero. Terence Hill. My friend Louise Wells and I would
enact out scenes from these movies. It as such a free time. We were, I was. Things
changed for me when I was about 8, a new awareness arrived. I was being me,
when my mother (bless her, I love her) in a fury asked me when I was going to
be like other girls? What? What did that mean? I had no absolute sense of
others, who they were gender wise. People were just people, yes there are girls
and boys, but the division of sexes was not something that existed in my
And so began
my road of awareness of being different. My first crush on a friend, feeling
sexually attracted and knowing that this was not something that could be
admitted to. It took another 23 years from age eight when I first fell in love
with a woman. Reading Hanne Blanks post (show below) had me revisiting the long
road to wishing that people would just be seen as people. Not genders, just
people who love people regardless of their sexual assignment, wishing there was
a world that we were not fed how we should be… Read it, and see what this
evokes within you…
Read her post
here: http://www.hanneblank.com/blog/2011/06/23/real-women/
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