Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Yeshua, in rags, gave alms to the animals…

Mary Oliver’s lines, shown below have sat with me in another way this month…

“Instructions for living a life. 
Pay attention. 
Be astonished. 
Tell about it.” 

I have been living in a place that I find odd for me. Walls all around, sound of the City, and just a peek of nature, the towering Mother Mountains edges. I KNOW that living in a wild place feeds me the best that this Home has to offer. I wondered how I would live my stillness into this space. I had to conjure the knowledge that Obs is no different from Kommetjie. She is One with the all that exists in all the magnificence. It has been easy to see that…

And in that I saw light beings walking the pavements. Those huddled in the corner, years of drinking and poverty clothing their shiny cloaks. And evidence in the form of a man that stood beside me in a bottle store. I think that he must have the entire store in his body, unwashed and spending what he had on pro longing what I judged to be oblivion. And there, he took his last few cents and put them into an animal welfare tin, muttering “This is for you”. I turned to him and thanked him for making me see this tin, and for prompting me to add to it. Our faces lit up, both us seeing each other in a brief instant of recognition of who we are, WE ARE.

Yeshua, in rags, gave alms to the animals. And I will never forget meeting him…

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