Monday, 22 September 2014

I looked down on my birthing Being, light as Air I became the Wing of birds

I am starting to see that I could possibly be more in tune with All that Is if I were Receptive. It feels as if my most natural learning state is Receptive. I see, hear, taste, touch, ingest, take in. This is all a receiving state. I believe I will serve myself better if I begin to step towards this more fully. This Seeing has been arriving in this last month of learning with Grandmother Robin… My life has been giving, teaching, writing, this last 8 years, and suddenly I am in this Grace of receiving. Tears spill as I write this. What a profound blessing.

With this epiphany still incubating. I stepped out of my car to the biting wind, to ready myself to Dance with Horses and Sisters. We smudged, we shared, we heart resonated and then it began…

I was lifted into the East, I rose, I soared, bright flaming Yellow, I looked down on my birthing Being, light as Air I became the Wing of birds, I AM, no thought, and slowly descended, called to Home… within a few heartbeats, I was filled with Excitement, passion, my body FIRE as I stomped the earth and whirled into the heat of the day, my blood, red pumping coursing… I was within the hooved Ones, great heart beating Oh I was the Movement, my arms windmills, air still around me fuelling my fire…to dive straight into the Ocean, Westwards, I swam, tears joining the sweat on my face, seeing myself fully reflected in my Sisters, the colour of night deeply moving me, between, balanced… I shimmered into the landscape from Shore, to be still, to stand, I was Mountain North, Stone and Standing Ones. Those ones who move in another time dimension of slowness and wisdom… In gratitude and still serenity, the ones who were before me, were with me… Bright White, still still still…

Coming round from these cardinal directions, (synonyms  for cardinal are: important, significant, chief, key, fundamental) I suddenly was aware of how I was not me. My body not mine, I was my Sisters, I was all that danced me… I think we all needed to find our feet before We/I… swept into the Void, Father Sky, vastness of Eternity no longer a concept, but a knowing. I floated, We/I hummed the Universe, our arms reaching wide as we can stretch bringing Mother Earth through our beating Feet, rolling onto the ground, forehead to Earth, incubations arising, knowing that all is possible….weaving into Magic, enlivening, Oneness with all… and all the colours of my Being shimmering bow like across All That Is…

A Horse blessing to my forehead, loving my Sisters, a haze of directions followed me home, I felt the presence, saw how each element flowed into the other. And my connection to All – being danced by the Directions has given me a different Course within… receptively I will gently approach a different way of being… My HeartsHands ready to receive… 

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