Saturday 30 March 2013

Breath of Oceans Rhythm...

Breath of Ocean, in and out…sometimes as if it has run, other times a reposed walking 

I attended a full moon women drumming session with Nidhi Chaitow last week… and it has moved me into being even more particularly aware of rhythm and chaos. My breath, heart beat, regular. The oceans tides, regular, seasons…and within all of this a beautiful chaos of the Wind, the Rain, the Heat… Life…LIFE is as it IS. There is always certainty and NOT.

I close my eyes and fly out of this atmosphere, and see our Blue Space Ship gently spinning, and the larger trajectory through the stars. A Mother sure, carrying me for centuries in all my incarnations. Certain in her path. I wonder how many times I have done this?  Seen the rhythm, paid homage to the stones on the beach thinking that they perhaps were a mountain once. Or the raindrop on my face, was it a drop from the Amazon? Or a snowflake in the Arctic? I see her whirling clouds in the patterns that repeat into the patterns I see on the sand…opening my eyes, the wild dance of grasses and fynbos, the Milkwoods, bobbing and bowing… all a rhythm…and sometimes we cannot follow the beat. That’s OK, it ‘s all as it should naturally perfectly be. I am as organically connected as a flower in the pavement is, I will live and die in the chaotic rhythm of my Life.  

And perhaps one day I will be born enlightened, and perhaps I AM, just this dream, and am not even here really, a Thought of the ALL.  I suspect even then I will elect to return to Gaia or be Thought here. To Feel this Big Love so raw. 

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