Sunday 31 March 2013

Keep walking out of your tombs...

The sun shone so Bright, I was blinded to the new...

In the Northern Hemisphere this has been a time of entering into the new for eons. Spring with all its growth and promise have been celebrated since time immemorial. It did serve the religion that rose 2000 years ago to adapt the theme of newness and resurrection to this time. The theme however remains much deeper than this. 

The teacher Yeshua did try pass it on. The message is  Much Bigger. That we begin to awaken to the realisation that the Universe of Love is within us and that only WE may begin to see that all we need is within us. Your I Am presence Is. All around the Western World people are awakening to go through either the motions of the celebration or really realising what the message is.

May you have many, many Resurrections dear ones…keep walking out of the dark cave of the deaths that we all experience in this incarnation. And I must say I cannot close my thoughts here without remarking that it was the Feminine energy that recognised this very symbol first…

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