Tuesday 23 April 2013

I am in my Wolf skin to run and be…

I am in my Wolf skin to run and be…

It struck me this morning that even though the sun was shining on my back, the beauty of the world presenting itself as it always does, that I am at war.

“Where does this come from?” I asked. Feelings of despair, sadness, grumpiness, I felt like I had fangs. I could have just dropped into Wolf shape and run howling and growling. This thought stopped me. Well why not? How about looking at this really closely by climbing inside its skin? How about just dropping the resistance?

Do you like me spend so much time resisting discomfort, trying to pursue the “happy” place? How about me trying radical acceptance? I decided there and then to learn to stop my resistance, I don’t resist feeling happy do I? So should I not give the times that I am feeling not so marvelous an equal chance for me to learn something about myself?

So today, don’t resist. Just Be, run and howl without damaging too much property and leave others out of it. It’s your own personal war…

Be daring and say “I am feeling like crap today” instead of “I am fine” Be radically honest with yourself to see where this comes from. And move on…

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