Saturday 15 December 2012


"I wonder if I will realise the illusion that I am watching called My Life before I leave this body? I hope that I can step into that while I breath within this grand story...within this dream I want to create all that I have longed for..."

Sometimes I feel so close... a breath a moment away of bursting into Light. This does not necessarily happen while I meditate. These moments of connection come when I could be in the most trying situation - and a switch is flipped. It can be me just breathing in Mother Father God - and - oh the FEELING that goes through me. But this seems unsustainable... This leads me to the wish that I could speak to Buddha, Yeshua or even Kuan Yin. Did they feel the Great Spirit all the time, or did they mortally also keep seeking to sustain it.

I do daily practice, I live for Spirit. Its not a choice, it just is the way I am wired. Its not called practice for nothing, it requires persistence. If you meditate often enough eventually you will find yourself dropping the garbage when you sit. And sit is exactly what it is. Contemplation time, self time - always reaching inside. 

I wished the other day - while in my glow state - that I could sustain it, and really know what it is to walk the earth as a Master. Maybe I am moments away. Perhaps if you see a bright glow close to the tip of Africa, it will be me having a bliss moment...

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