Friday 11 January 2013

“For all the world around me is a Woman”

“For all the world around me is a Woman”

We live in rhythm sometimes subtle, but it’s the chaos that we also inhabit that excites me. I glanced across the vlei to Longbeach, the wisps of clouds ever changing behind Chapmans peak, caught my breath at their pouring into the valley  The world is a dance around me. Bending grass moving, wind whirling and the wonder of a tortoise slowly ambling across my path.

I sat on a particular angled rock chair where I vanish into the roar of the waves of late, and saw that all the world seemed a Woman to me. The crashing waves one after the other, in a curve, rocks rounded by millennium of smoothing water. Trees rounded and curving, their branches in an intricate pattern of curved dips and weaves,dunes, ripples.  And when the morning is moist from rain and mist – the perfume that rises in the rising sun has me thinking of the womanlyness of all that is around me. Yes Gaia is a Woman… I want to drink her in. Goddess rise. 

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